Step 1:
Your child’s worksheets will be ready on TWC@Home at least 3 days before the lesson.
First, go to https://at-home.thewriteconnection.com.sg/ and click ‘Sign in’.

Step 2:
Next, log in to your TWC@Home account.​
(Note: Please refer to our TWC@Home FAQ page here if you experience difficulties logging in.)

Step 3:
Click on ‘My Lessons’ and then click on the tile that shows your child’s class.

Step 4:
You will be brought to a page where details of your child’s Zoom lesson can be found. At the bottom of the page, there is an option to download the lesson materials. Click ‘Download Your Worksheets Here’.
(Note: If you do not have a printer at home, please refer to the FAQs here for suggestions.)

Step 5:
Check that the dates and term and week number are accurate for the lesson your child is attending.
Download the worksheets and print them.
(Kindly note that worksheets will be ready on our TWC@Home platform at least 3 days before the lesson.)